It is essential for researchers to adhere to the ethical standards and guidelines set by professional bodies and regulatory authorities, from the initial research proposal to the final publication. In some cases, ethical issues or misconduct may arise during the publication process.
The authors, reviewers, and Editors involved in publishing peer-reviewed journals under JRF Publication must strictly adhere to the publication ethics outlined below, in order to prevent and deter any instances of publication malpractice.
Authors submitting articles for possible publication in JRF Publication journals should ensure that their work is original and has not been published or submitted for publication in any other journal. The manuscript should include a brief abstract that accurately describes the substance of the paper, along with a clear and concise account of the work done, including its motivation and significance. All materials used in the paper should be properly cited within the manuscript. Relevant literature and publications that influenced the work should also be cited, while irrelevant references should be avoided.
Only those who have made significant contributions to the paper’s concepts, problem formulation, execution, solution, and interpretation should be listed as authors. Other individuals who contributed to discussions and preparation of the manuscript should be acknowledged. Any funding agencies that supported the research should also be acknowledged.
Authors must ensure that their work is original and does not constitute a redundant publication. They should not manipulate data or images. The final version of the paper should be reviewed and agreed upon by all co-authors, and the corresponding author should ensure that all ethical requirements are met. If a significant error or inaccuracy is discovered in the paper, the editors and publisher should be contacted as soon as possible, and appropriate action may be taken, such as publishing a corrigendum or retracting the paper.
Anything against above will fall within the domain of unethical behavior which cannot be accepted.
Reviewers: Reviewers play a critical role in assisting Editors to make decisions about whether to publish a submitted article. As such, reviewers are expected to provide constructive feedback on the intellectual content and presentation of the manuscript, which can significantly enhance the quality of the article. Maintaining confidentiality of the manuscript under review is of utmost importance, and reviewers must not disclose any part of the article to anyone except the relevant Editor or the Editorial offices at Allahabad. Reviewers must also avoid reviewing manuscripts in which they have any conflict of interest. Any information or ideas obtained through the peer review process should not be used for personal gain or advantage.
Editors hold the responsibility of determining the suitability of submitted papers for publication. They may take into account the opinions of reviewers to ensure the originality and accuracy of the manuscript’s intellectual content. Editors are expected to follow our ‘Editorial Guidelines’ and may consult with other members of the editorial board of the relevant journal if necessary to reach a decision quickly. Editors are required to maintain the confidentiality of manuscripts until they are published. They should avoid considering manuscripts in which they have any conflicts of interest. The editorial office at Allahabad is responsible for keeping the records of manuscripts strictly confidential.